Bilingüe preescolar y guardería español-inglés
Bilingual early education Spanish-English
Rochester, MN
Small school
¡Gran diferencia!
1503 2nd Ave NE, Rochester MN 55906 (507) 226-8490 director@listoskids.org
• Dual immersion teaches a second language the same way children learned their first language, naturally. Preschool age children are in the prime language learning years of their lives. Brain research shows the majority of language learning happens from birth to age five. By providing an engaging, safe environment, children at Listos absorb two languages.
• Children who are either native Spanish speakers or native English speakers have their primary language supported and reinforced while learning a second language.
• Classroom makeup is based on a balanced ratio of students’ primary languages. This allows children to form friendships and practice language with each other.
• Early language learning has positive effects on brain structure, builds a desire to learn well past preschool age, fulfills and increases curiosity about the world and builds confidence in language abilities.
• Knowing more than one language sets children on a path to greater success in a global society.
Our natural playground

Learn more
CARLA — Center for Advanced Reseach on Language Acquisition
Based at the University of Minnesota this center is one of the U.S. Department of Education's Title VI National Language Resource Centers, whose role is to improve the nation's capacity to teach and learn foreign languages.

MAIN — Minnesota Advocates for Immersion Network
A nonprofit organization that provides a structure for ongoing collaboration among representatives of Minnesota’s language immersion programs and immersion experts at the University of Minnesota’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction and CARLA.

Mr. Mo!