Bilingüe preescolar y guardería español-inglés
Bilingual early education Spanish-English
Rochester, MN
Small school
¡Gran diferencia!
1503 2nd Ave NE, Rochester MN 55906 (507) 226-8490 director@listoskids.org
Help provide scholarships and build a rich learning environment
Our bilingual preschool lays the foundation for a lifetime of success. We’re asking for your help in making this high-quality program available to all children.
Each year, Listos provides families in need with financial assistance and scholarships, thanks to the generous support of people like you.
All donations are tax deductible.
Donations may be mailed to:
1503 2nd Ave. N.E.
Rochester, MN 55906
Checks should be written to Listos Preschool and Childcare.
We also accept donations of classroom supplies. Gently used items that we can repurpose include, balls, dress up clothing, children's board games, children's books, coffee table books, camping dishes, cookie cutters, wooden puzzles and building toys such as wooden blocks, large Legos, Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs.