Bilingüe preescolar y guardería español-inglés
Bilingual early education Spanish-English
Rochester, MN
Small school
¡Gran diferencia!
1503 2nd Ave NE, Rochester MN 55906 (507) 226-8490
Save the Date! Friday, Feb. 7, 2025
Support a love of learning
and cross-cultural friendships wholeheartedly
with a Latin American dinner,
music and culture.
Tickets on sale soon!
Fundraising event
Our hearts are full from all the love and support shown during the first ever Noche de Amor y Amistad, night of love and friendship, fundraising gala on Feb. 9, 2024. Thank you!
Much love to the artists and sponsors that made this event possible
Thank you to everyone who was part of Listos 2019
Day of the Dead fundraising dinner
It was an unforgettable evening of culture, cuisine and community with a gourmet meal by Le Cordon Bleu trained Peruvian chef Enrique Nuñez, live music by Fernando Ufret, performances by Kuyayki Peru dancers of the Twin Cities and Rochester actress Laura Fierro, local art silent auction and cultural displays.
Proceeds support Listos Preschool and Childcare's bilingual programming and scholarships.
Images from 2019 Day of the Dead
Images of 2018
Images by Nicole Mills Photography
Describe your image
Describe your image
Thank you to everyone who participated in the TacoTrot
5K fun run and children's ninja warrior course
Saturday, Sept. 14, 2019 at Silver Lake Park East shelter
The fundraiser was a great kick off to Listos Learning
bilingual adult community education
Classes to be held at 4 pm at Listos:
Sept. 30: Renters rights by Legal Assistance of Olmsted County
Oct. 7: Improve your credit score by Three Rivers Community Action
Oct. 21: Benefits to registering for MNSure by Health Access MN
Oct. 28: Normal child development by Olmsted County Public Health
Nov. 4: Immunizations and early health needs by Public Health
Dec. 9: Car seat safety/ free car seats for families in need by Public Health
Jolly Jumpz
Ninja Warrior
Megan Rowe
Maier Tree
Kids Climb